Thursday, 3 March 2011

Three Pillars of High Performance

Our Environment
The environment we create for people is crucial to achieving success. Both the physical environment, and the way our business environment supports high performance, require constant attention.
The physical environment can be easily overlooked – but broken equipment, tired or out of date wall displays and scruffy furniture or decor, should receive prompt attention. It is unrealistic to expect people to perform at the pace and level we require if their place of work is not up to standard.
The business environment we create is equally as important. Is there sufficient encouragement for people to stretch themselves? Are people encouraged to voice their concerns and offer suggestions that will contribute to business growth?
Engagement, development and continuous improvement are the hallmarks of a professional business environment and are a firm foundation for high performance.

Our Professional Standards
We must clearly establish the standards of behaviour we expect. This starts with a basic work ethic. A good way to achieve this is to set an outstanding example of hard work and high performance ourselves. We should always model the behaviours we expect from others through our own attitude. If we are outwardly confident and optimistic that as a team we are on track to reach our destination everyone in the team is more likely to share our belief. If we avoid wasting time looking for excuses or blame, the people around us are more likely to focus on what can be done to move performance forward. They will feel more empowered to deliver the vital actions, remaining engaged in our business goals and stimulated by the difference they are making personally to the team performance.

Our Communication
The way we communicate will help us to bring our leadership brand to life, and make us accessible to the whole team.
We may face challenges involving our people, our customers, industry regulators, or the economy – to name a few. Will we be able to cope?  How can we instil confidence that our business model is equipped to respond to such challenges? Communicating regularly through a variety of media helps us to navigate the changes required along the journey. However, we should always deliver the most important, or difficult, messages personally – and ideally face to face – to answer questions, ease concerns, and reinforce our plan.
Our communication style is crucial to maintaining the focus and direction of our team so that everyone continues to drive collectively in the right direction.

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