Tuesday 28 December 2010

Is There Enough Fuel in the Tank?

I remember my dad teaching me an acronym which he used to prepare our family car for any long journey we were about to make - POWER. It stood for Petrol, Oil, Water, Electrics & Rubber - and he would take time to faithfully check each of these areas on the vehicle to ensure we had a hassle free trip.

Cars have changed a lot in the last few decades, in general they are far safer and much more reliable, so nowadays all we tend to concern ourselves with before we embark upon a journey is whether there is enough fuel in the tank to get us to the nearest filling station!

This 'instant' approach to motoring is replicated in many other walks of life. For example, we never worry any more whether restaurants will be open - most of them serve food all day long; we no longer panic about getting to the shops before they close - many are open 24 hours a day. These developments have eased our stress in some ways - but maybe the mindset generated as a result has increased stress & pressure in other areas of our life.

As we embark upon the 'journey' ahead of us in 2011, are we as well prepared as my dad used to be for our family holiday? Have we taken time to check all the component parts of the 'vehicle' that will get us to our destination, or are we setting off in the hope that there is a filling station just around the corner?

Now is a good time to consider our performance checklist to make sure we POWER to success in 2011.

Personal development
Will to succeed
Energy & enthusiasm

Is there enough 'fuel in the tank' to get where we want to go, and to achieve our goals in 2011? We may need to spend a lot of time, effort & energy re-fueling others as we progress through the year - but have we got a strong, dependable & effective plan for re-fueling ourselves? It could be a very short trip if we don't!

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